Saturday, 23 February 2019

Hangman - Pygame

User Manual

3 difficulty level and 1 hidden color level

  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
  • Color
User can either click on the menu, or they can press the number on keyboard to choose the difficulty level.

After the level of difficulty is selected, the time will start counting and user will have to guess the word.

If the user invalid input, nothing will be done. If user guess the correct alphabet, it will shows on the screen. If user guess it wrong, the chance will minus 1. User will have 10 chances.

User can enter 0 to quit the game.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

5/2/2019 - Static fragment and dynamic fragment

Static fragment

  • Static fragment is a fragment that can't be change during runtime.
  • It uses <fragment> widget from Android Studio.
  • Only .xml file.
  • Nothing need to be declared in

Dynamic fragment

  • Dynamic fragment is a fragment that can be change during runtime.
  • It uses FrameLayout widget to be a container for it.
  • It needed to be declare in the

For example,

Dynamic fragment sample code:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity
   //set as public static, so it can be use in other fragment activity too
   public static FragmentManager frag_manager;

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

      frag_manager = getSupportFragmentManager;
      //the FrameLayout id = fragContainer in activity_main.xml
      if (findViewById( != null)
         //if the item is saved, which means that there is already a item there
         if (savedInstanceState != null)
         //begin the transaction for fragment
         FragmentTransaction frag_trans = frag_manager.beginTransaction();

         //declare the first fragment item, which is the
         FirstFrag first_frag = new FirstFrag();

         //add the first_frag.xml to the FrameLayout container

         //commit the fragment


The code above will add the fragment into a FrameLayout container. The fragment inside the container can be change, eg. currently is first_frag.xml in, but it can be chage to second.frag.xml in too, a button can be add to perform the change of fragement during runtime.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

4/2/2019 - Learning Android Studio

Saturday, 2 February 2019

1/2/2018 - Learning Android studio for the colorman dodge game

  • Problem face: need to generate random amount of hailstones to fall from the sky, and need to find an algorithm to make sure that when the hailstone hit colorman, the game will end.
  • Maybe will have to create another simple game to test the algorithm.
  • Learning some basics from Retro Chicken.

18/7/2019 - Survive that planning

Planning A top-down shooting game Player use WASD to move Use mouse cursor to aim Mouse left-click to shoot, and right click to throw ...